Sri. Lokeshwara, President of KSKKA address the Office bearer in its First Executive Committee Meeting held on 23-03-2025 at Karnataka...
First Executive Committee Meeting of KSKKA held on 23-03-2025 at KSHA Meeting Hall, Sri. Ramalingappa J, Hon. Secretary of...
The First Executive Committee Meeting of KSKKA held on 23-03-2025 at KSHA Meeting Hall at 11.30 Am. Sri SS...
Karnataka State Kho Kho Association Annual General Body Meeting with election on 02-03-2025 at 11.00 AM at YMCA, Bangalore along...
Best wishes from Smt. Usha Anantharam, the 1st JHANSY RANI LAKSHMI BAI Awardee 1963-64 and Smt. Shobanarayan, Arjuna Awardee for...
CHAITHRA B, Best Player awardee of Karnataka from Kurubur, T Narsipura Tq., Mysore District represented Indian Women team in the...